Second Issue of Down the Line

The second issue of Down the Line magazine has been released. This one features a great story on Brian Doidge, who speaks of his history with Michael Knott and the music business in general. It also has interviews with Greg Lawless, Roger Rose, and Terry Taylor on the Lost Dogs. All this, and it is free to download!

Nothing official to post yet. I’ve heard that some one that talked to Michael recently said that the new L.S.U, album is being mixed.

Magazine link:

Massive amounts of Knott-y News!

As reported in Down the Line magazine, Michael Knott is up to a lot of stuff now, and this site will updated with all of this news as soon as I can. Some highlights: Brian Doidge is going to be on the upcoming L.S.U. album, Losing Angel is not happening anymore, Even Star is coming soon, and the Lifesavors new album looks like it is gaining steam. Wow. Much more to be heard – read the magazine for details!

See this link: