David Bazan Talks Michael Knott (and Many Other Interesting Topics)

David Bazan was recently on the Turned Out a Punk podcast (ep 392) discussing his past and present in music. He discusses several Christian bands and artists, but probably spends the most time talking about Michael Knott. He has some great insight in Knott and many other things. The discussion of Knott can be found between the 41:30 and 53:30 marks, but really the whole thing is interesting.

In the Corner Back By the Woodpile Podcast Interviews John J. Thompson, Discussing Knott Along the Way

In the Corner Back By the Woodpile Podcast recently interviewed John J. Thompson, and discussed Knott and Blonde Vinyl along the way:

Back in the late 1980’s, a little magazine began to be passed around by discouraged and disenfranchised music loving, truth seeking believers on the back pews of churches. The mag was called True Tunes and what it did was send up flare to those folks who were looking for music with meaning and integrity, both of which unfortunately for many did not exist in the mainstream Christian music industry of the times. The visionary of the publication was a kid-at-the-time by the name of John J Thompson who joins us to tell us of the rise, the fall and possible resurrection of True Tunes.

Part 1

Part 2

The Christian Humanist Podcast Examines The Grape Prophet

Interested in an in depth examination of L.S.Underground’s 1992 The Grape Prophet album? Listen to Michial Farmer discuss the album with David Grubbs and Nathan Gilmour on episode 214 of The Christian Humanist podcast. They dive into everything from the real life story of the Kansas City prophets that the album is based on to the musical influences to the cover art and more.

Michael Knott on Frontline Rewind Podcast

“Brian Healy of Dead Artist Syndrome returns to guest host our 50th episode of Frontline Rewind! Healy gets together in studio with the one and only Michael Knott (LifeSavers, LSU) to celebrate digital release of his albums, “The Grape Prophet” and “Heaven High”. These guys are good friends and this episode is filled with camaraderie, transparency and free-flowing wit.

Knott reveals the back-story for his rock opera, “The Grape Prophet” (L.S. Underground). Songs relate his experience with a Southern California church he attended that had self-proclaimed prophets from Kansas City. Tune in to hear details. Michael performs acoustic renditions of several songs from the album, available digitally for the first time since its 1992 Blonde Vinyl Records release.

Healy also urges Knott to talk about a Saintly influence for “Heaven High” (LifeSavers), a crowd-funded CD that released in 2014, available digitally now for the first time. Knott talks about Saint Clare of Assisi, whose picture is on the cover, and her story. He describes the album as a “bombastic love-fest of hope and truth”. Now that’s worth checking out!”


L.S.U. Albums Released From Frontline Records Vault

“Rewind Episode 28 features music from L.S.U. (a.k.a. Life Savers Underground), one of many Michael Knott band names. The show uses footage from a Knott in-studio interview by Rewind host, Brian Healy. It is timed perfectly with the digital release of 3 L.S.U. albums, originally on Blonde Vinyl and Siren Records. Knott spontaneously writes and plays songs and relates colorful stories, including an experience with late pastor, Chuck Smith.””

See frontlinerecords.us/frontline-records-rewind-podcast-episode-28/ to listen to the interview.

Second Issue of Down the Line

The second issue of Down the Line magazine has been released. This one features a great story on Brian Doidge, who speaks of his history with Michael Knott and the music business in general. It also has interviews with Greg Lawless, Roger Rose, and Terry Taylor on the Lost Dogs. All this, and it is free to download!

Nothing official to post yet. I’ve heard that some one that talked to Michael recently said that the new L.S.U, album is being mixed.

Magazine link: http://www.downthelinezine.com

Michael Knott Interview in Down the Line Magazine

Down The Line magazine is up and the first issue is available for download!! The website is www.downthelinezine.com – click on the tab that says ‘current issue’, download, read and please leave us feedback. This first issue is loaded with Michael Knott/LS Underground stuff, an interview with Writ On Water, an interview with Josh Lory from LSU & Western Grace, an interview with Allan Aguirre from Scaterd Few/Spy Glass Blue, and tons of info, music reviews (past & present), and a couple of concert reviews. The cover is also a Gerard original, specifically for the magazine launch! Let us know what you think…and tell all your friends!